Keep Your Wines in Perfect Condition With Wine Cooler Repairs
It doesn’t matter if your wine cooler holds 10 bottles or 100 bottles, losing wine because of a cooler problem is not acceptable. If the temperature becomes unstable, it will affect the quality of your wine. Keeping the right temperature and humidity is important. We offer same-day wine cooler repair to keep your wine at its highest quality.
Freestanding wine cooler units shouldn’t be used under the counter applications. These coolers need a proper circulation of air to function. Wine coolers are designed to work in set temperature ranges. While various wines require different temperatures, you can use a dual-zone cooler to achieve the best results. Storing red wines at the top, a warmer area with white wines at the bottom is an alternative.
At Platinum Sub Zero Repair, we have the best means when it comes to wine cooler repair services by fixing all models and brands. If you experience any wine cooler problems, we recommend contacting our friendly trained techs for an appointment. Call Platinum Sub Zero Repair right away! We are the best choice! Your unit will be troubleshot to ascertain its issues and provide you with a lasting solution needed to get your wine cooler back into top working order.